
Ddlc brand new day
Ddlc brand new day

ddlc brand new day

  • Horrifying the Horror: Even Monika is afraid of the "Portrait of Markov" book.
  • ddlc brand new day

    Natsuki reminds her of a previous conversation in which she denied having one.

  • Hey, That's My Line!: When the Main Character says at one point "Okay, everyone!", Monika immediately protests, claiming it's her Catchphrase.
  • ddlc brand new day

    Very little is known of this entity, other than it may be related to the Portrait of Markov book.

  • Greater-Scope Villain: There's.something out there which is implied to be the actual culprit behind the events of the original game and, among other things, gave Monika her Medium Awareness as part of a ploy.
  • Freudian Threat: Natsuki often disses this to the Main Character whenever he acts too pervy, saying things like "you'll be singing soprano" or "you'll speak three pitches higher".
  • These elements are dropped as the story progresses.
  • Early Installment Weirdness: During the first couple of days, the girls ( especially Sayori) swear a lot, and the Main Character has such an obsession with cupcakes that goes way beyond Trademark Favorite Food.
  • Can't Hold Her Liquor: It takes little more than a glass of wine to get Sayori drunk.
  • In one of Monika's possible dialogues in Act 3, she tells you about one time Yuri brought a bottle of wine to the Club.
  • In this mod, the Main Character takes the girls to one during the later days.
  • When reading Parfait Girls with Natsuki, she tells you that in one chapter, the four girls go to an Ice Cream shop.
  • If you choose the former, Sayori will protest until you join the latter.
  • But Thou Must!: At the beginning, you're given the choice of joining the Anime Club or the Literature Club.
  • When the Main Character asks her what this means, she takes it from you and says that's something she wrote some time ago (before tearing it to pieces) and gives you the actual poem. Said poem is the one she left in the game before her suicide.
  • Bait-and-Switch: At one point, to express how grateful she is for the Main Character supporting her and being her friend, Sayori writes him a poem.
  • ddlc brand new day

    He also wears a wig that resembles his daughter's hair for no discernible reason.

  • Ax-Crazy: Natsuki's father, when he makes an appearance, is absolutely deranged and is attempting to kill Natsuki and the main character.
  • Here, it's an Artifact of Doom that has a huge impact on the plot, and it's the actual reason for Yuri's decaying sanity.
  • Ascended Extra: Non-character example: In the original game, the Portrait of Markov book was simply a way to foreshadow the game's transition from dating sim to Psychological Horror.

  • Ddlc brand new day